
Visible & Invisible

Anamorphic Man
A three dimensional anomorphic projection. When viewed through the circle on the left the figure becomes whole.
Location - Private Collection, Seoul, Korea
Size - 1100mm x 450mm x 250mm
Materials - Brazed steel
Photo - John Coombes

The Anamorphic Man will be born if you look from a central viewing point (wiry hole) a figure is visible. 
'Anamorphic Man' was specially comissioned for "Assembling Bodies: Art, Science & Imagination"by The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University through Kinetica Museum. 

                                                                       Giant Leap
A dislocated figure stretches apart as he leaps through time and space.
Location - Private Collection, Edinburgh
Dimensions - 1000 X 500 X 300 mm
Materials - Brazed mild steel
Photo - John Coombes

Anamorphic Man, Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology, Cambridge

A leg is propelled into space stopping with a jolt, its foot still shaking. From the other side the other leg joins it in the centre. Piece by piece a figure is formed in space and suspended in time.
Location :Collection of Kinetica Museum, London. Currently exhibited at the Museum of Anthropology and Archeology, Cambridge University.
Materials - Steel, Motors, plc, sensor
Size :3000 X 2100 mm
Photo - John Coombes

I have to say though that those works are not so spacial, i do like the style. A simple space was make up by iron ropes. Black Lines are so vivid and persuasive, which can attract audience easily. It is like a kid game "Visible & Invisible".


