
Battersea Power Station Investigation

The significance of my project is to explore how to use a viewpoint from where I can produce an image to let people see Battersea power station in an alternative way and find its beauty. 

The site finally i chose Battersea Power Station cos :
    1,  Almost everybody know it;
    2,  Looks like a huge table (flipped over);
    3,  Four chimneys composed a fictitious space. 

                                             I found that so many people stopped their way to overlook it.

The only two "chair"for people to watch Battersea power station,such poor chair...

       I do like the four chimneys, they can help me do something about anamorphosis. For a very simple example as the picture below:    Are them in a same layer? I mean i can tell someone who never see it before that the chimneys are abreast. Just left one's base is a little bit thicker.

Battersea Power Station as the “earth”, other buildings, streets or any object can be a “star” could set up resonance or affiliation with the “earth”, irrespective of the distance each other.


